
a black spider is sitting on a web on a wall .


When it comes to spiders, that creepy shock and fear they cause is no accident; and it’s not learned. We’re genetically coded to fear them. Quite a few species have dangerous bites, and our genetic ancestors learned early on to avoid spiders, and that benefits us today. While the jolt of a sighting doesn’t feel good, it sure feels better than a bite. Fortunately, we have modern defenses against them, like Blast Pest Control. Our professionals know how to handle your pest control needs so that the result is highly effective.


Professional pest control is especially important if you see a Black Widow or Brown Recluse. These bites can cause much more than redness, irritation, or muscle cramps; they can cause a hospital trip. A Brown Recluse bite creates an open sore, in which skin and tissue dies and breaks down, and it can take months to heal. Effects of a Black Widow bite are deeper and go into your central nervous system. Some people are relatively unaffected, but others can develop difficulty breathing and experience paralysis of their legs.


Although most spiders aren’t aggressive and won’t chase down a large animal such as a human, they can be dangerous in your home. Once they move in, they naturally think it’s their home and defend it. Most bites happen when an unsuspecting person reaches into a cabinet or puts on work gloves that have not been worn for a while or pull on a rarely used pair of shoes or work boots.


These 8-legged creatures usually enter a home when they want to escape a sudden change in weather or search for food and water. Once they’re in your home, the ones you usually see crawling about are males looking for females to mate with. Generally though, spiders prefer dark, unused spaces. Just the kind that gives us the most fright when startled.


One of the creepiest is the Long-Bodied Cellar Spider. It has a leg span of almost 3 inches, loves dark hiding places, and can lay egg sacks with up to 60 eggs each. As you can imagine, as they grow, they rapidly outgrow their skin. They molt 4 to 5 times until they are full size, leaving their shed bodies as evidence of their existence. When frightened, they vibrate their legs rapidly, in a defense that can be frightening.


An interesting species is jumping spiders. These little leapers can move with great speed sideways, backward, and forward and jump up to 50 times its body length. If we could jump as far as they do, for a six-foot man, that would be 300 feet. Instead of running back a kickoff, a football player could leap a hundred yards from goal line to goal line. When you see one, you can be sure there are more who have stayed successfully hidden. Call us today at Blast Pest Control, (661) 444-4644, for a free estimate and the expert service to ensure your home is well protected.

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