
three black ants are crawling on top of a cupcake .


More than 12,000 species of ants cover our globe, with the exception of Antarctica. We rarely see the massive scope of just how large a colony can be; they can contain up to millions of these critters. Here in California, we have nearly 300 species. A few of the most common species we find in the Bakersfield area include Odorous House, Carpenter, Southern Fire, Pavement, Argentine, Velvety Tree, and Pharaoh Ants.


Carpenter Ants are known to invade structures such as homes and are capable of causing considerable damage. They work their way through wooden infrastructures by hollowing out areas to build their nests. Eventually, the multitude of these pests inhabiting and milling their way through the wood in your home weakens structural integrity. Procrastinating calling a professional, like Blast Pest Control can lead to more costly damage. 

Just as serious are the potential hazards caused in electrical outlets and circuit breaker boxes. Specifically, Fire Ants have shown an affinity for congregating in these areas. They can chew through the insulation and release a pheromone when the are electrocuted. This attracts the troops to the site and the sheer number of bodies being electrocuted can cause a short circuit.


Ants are no laughing matter when you find them inside your cabinets or traveling in unison along the baseboards. That bag of sugar you folded closed just a few days ago is now chocked full of these unwelcomed guests. These insects typically thrive outdoors in or near moist areas. Nests are commonly found underneath stones, plants, logs, and other protective barriers. However, the Pharaoh species prefer living in your home where it’s warmer and moist. Word gets out quickly that a food source has been located, once again, through the use of pheromones. A variety of foods attract different ant species.

Stinging And Biting 

Fire Ants pose a problem if you have small children or pets that may get onto a mound in the yard. These vicious insects are not forgiving and will attack when threatened by swarming. The sheer number of stings can trigger a dangerous allergic reaction. Kids will notoriously climb trees, potentially exposing themselves to the stings imposed by the Velvety Tree species. Carpenter and Argentine Ants may not sting but deliver a bite that is just as painful.

Ant Pest Control

Inevitably, they will find their way in. Before help arrives, keep foods in containers or sealed bags. Pick up pet food bowls and keep floors free of food crumbs. Don’t forget that beautiful bowl of fruit sitting on the counter because they will make every attempt to get to that as well. Regardless of your efforts to manage them, it’s time to call a professional. The longer you wait, the more extensive the damage becomes. 

At Blast Pest Control, we are your trusted, local, family-owned pest control professional, and our experts have many years of experience when it comes to ants. We will exceed your expectations with our 5-Star service. Contact our friendly staff today to schedule a free estimate. Blast Pest Control specializes in pest management and control for the Bakersfield area.

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